Sunday, October 23, 2011


A long time ago in a galaxy far away....

I went to a prayer circle at a local church.  We prayed for people with their permission, anonymously if they wished.  All prayers are confidential.  Gradually I developed a friendship with Joanna, later to become my mentor. 

One day in prayer group, the leader questioned, "After you leave the Earth, how do you picture yourself?  Are you in Heaven?  What does it look like?"

Louise, "I'm going to be an Angel!"

The leader shot back, "That's impossible, Humans can't be Angels."

Louise, "Well, how would you know?"

Angels Among Us
As I got to know Louise better, she mentioned "Johanna" a lot.  Finally I said, "Who is Johanna?"

*"OH!  She's my Guardian Angel!"

"Well, how do you know that?"

"You just ask!"

I thought, "She talks to Angels?"  I recalled William Blake as several of his Angel etchings flashed across my inner vision.  I kept silent, managing to be open minded and not bolt away since Louise was a scientist and very A-B-C oriented, the opposite of me, a non-linear picture mind.

Once a month Louise and I sat in our "office" to compare notes and experiences.  The office was a large book store with a coffee shop.  "Our" table was piled high with reference books, note pads, and sometimes paintings.  I encouraged Joanna to attend my Tai Chi classes.  "I have metal plates in my ankle, and I won't be able to stand on one leg." 

I got right up out of my chair and demonstrated the Tai Chi movement, White Crane Spreads Wings, and how to "stand" on one leg..."You just point your toe!"

"Yes, now I can come to your Tai Chi classes!"  Louise came to all my weekly classes  for many years!   Louise brought friends to enjoy Tai Chi's benefits.  Louise ] glowed and radiated, a beacon of light for others, gentle yet assertive.

Louise introduced me to my Guardian Angel, Sharon, and how to develop an open positive communication.  Other angels gradually appeared to help me, "The Team of Specialists," along with St. Michel (Michael), "The Supervisor."  Animal Angels came into view one at a time....

The Human Angel
"When the time is right, you will tell all you know."  I wrote furiously as Louise spoke.  "Whoever leaves the Earth first, the other will be right there.  There is no separation between the visible and the invisible...NONE!"

"I have been on the Earth for many lifetimes.  I am getting ready to leave the Earth, and return to my Angel Light state.  I can't wait to be an Angel again!"

I remembered that there is much written about the separation of angels and humans.  I thought of passages I had read in books and heard in stories, and dreams.  I mentioned this.  Louise exclaimed,  "Well, how would they know?" 

"I almost ran away from you when you talked about communicating with your Angel," I added.  "How did you manage to convince me to stay around?"

"I hunted you down!  Let Us Prey,"  Louise chuckled!  "That's Angel Humor!"

I wandered through the bookstore...and selected Healing With The Angels by Doreen Virtue.  I opened it at random and instantly "found" a section about Earth Angels.  Harry Potter wasn't even published yet!  I telephoned my cosmic friend, "It is no coincidence that we met."

* Over the years, Louise helped and encouraged me to write and refine the book, Silver Butterfly Create A Vision, a Tai Chi journey with a mystic twist.  Out of the Blue is the continuing tale of the Silver Butterfly.

Louise is her Angel Light now, helping with the Earth from beyond the physical world.  She says, "Do you ever wonder what fills the empty spaces?" 

"Louise, What do you call this friendship?"

"Dahlis, This friendship is Out of this World!"

And now the Earth is shifting into higher consciousness, Louise speaks:
"Let your life unfold like the petals of a rose opening, one at a time and each in perfect order."

"All of us are here with unique gifts and talents to touch each others' lives in ways no one else can."

"We have gone way beyond words (worlds)."

The Angelic Human
"We have chosen to be here on Earth at this time of global change.
We are not here to witness the great shift, we are here to help with it,"
Rev. Debra Basham. 

***  "The most beautiful and deepest the sense of the mysterious."
Albert Einstein

Related Posts:  
The Great Harvest
 I am your Angel (Can a Cat be an Angel?)
 By An Unfaltering Trust 
Encounters With Michael (The Artist Meets The Archangel)
Angels 101 (Meet Your Angel)
The Christmas Rose, (A Flower Angel, Dec 2010)

Healing With the Angels book by Doreen Virtue, All Things Angel

Ask Your Angels by Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie, and Andrew Ramer, meet and work with your Angel Companions.

***  Einstein in his Own Words book by Anne Rooney

Dahlis Roy:  Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Instructor 

The Angel of Opening, photo by Dahlis Roy.  At an Angel Workshop, we all pulled a picture to keep with an attribute written on the back.  My Angel is holding a Butterfly!  I turned over the card, "Opening" it read!

Flower: The Opening Rose, photo by Paul