Sunday, February 25, 2018


Waking up in the middle of the night, I heard and felt words/vibrations whispering "Physical Reality." 

estless Silence, "You said it."   (chuckle)

I have  been sifting through endless archives of physical photos, taken with real film and printed out.  A whirl of future/past simultaneously appeared in black and white, sepia, shades of grey, and living color:  family, friends, vacations, pet parades, and paintings flashed before my eyes all at once in a blur of light yet crystal clear.

The next day, I viewed a poem, a beacon of insight!

*Selfie by Jeffrey Danner

Life is a selfie in earthly disguise,
For a loving Divinity's sky-blue eyes.
I mean, "Here We Be," all radiant and free,
Right here where thick opaque earth seemed to be.

All that drama, that heavy, dimwitted sight
Are now nowhere to be found.
Except in memory, in stories time-bound,
Meant to occlude the Truth of the Light.

Did I take Life for granted, and drain it of Chi?
Only in my wildest imagineered  swoons.
Brilliant, Shimmering, Source of the We,
Beyond this magical Tapestry of Forms.

Can I see you all in a big Selfie Smile,
Wherever I look, as long as it's in?
Three-sixty vision in all nine dimensions,
No ceiling, no flooring, no walleyed denying,
No limits all freedom all radiant hymn.

Reflections from Selfie: 
* "....For a loving Divinity's sky-blue eyes,...."
The Blue Ray of Truth and Communication comes into mind.

* "....Except in memory, in stories time-bound...."
I felt photos, lives sifting through my hands in timely and timeless stories and visions, hopes and dreams, achievements, and celebrations.

* "....Beyond this magical Tapestry of Forms....,"
the visible and invisible fabrics we weave.  What colors and patterns will we choose? 

*  "No ceiling, no flooring, no walleyed denying,"
Once I had a great meditation image of a home filled with large glass windows radiant with  with bright white-gold sunlight.  Golden blond wood flooring brushed the floors with solidity. 

Better yet, the house had nothing in it!  No furniture, no nothing...."I" was just passing through.  "I" sat on the shiny floor, looked out the huge windows and felt deep peace. (smile)

I am my memories....still frame and motion, physical, digital, and beyond.  "Now" I am writing and enjoying an electronic scrapbook.

* "No limits all freedom all radiant hymn"

Light Speed

Related Posts:
Wander and Ponder
Possibly Present
A Strong Clear Vision
By an Unfaltering Trust, "There is no difference between the visible and the invisible-None"


*Selfie, Contributed poem by Jeffrey Danner, printed with permission

Organizing Magic, book by Sandra Felton, simple direct hints for streamlining your life in all areas.

Tai Chi and Qigong:
Dr. Paul Lam, Tai Chi 
Dr Yang, Jwing-ming Tai Chi, Qigong, ancient traditions

Deepak Chopra, M.D. change your life, relax, focus, enjoy

blogger from Google, create and publish your memories and interests, easy and fun, "electronic scrapbook."

Dahlis Roy: Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Instructor

Images by Dahlis

Through the Looking Glass, life magnified, photo
Blue Light Beacon, sunlight through blue bottle, photo
Cosmos, detail of oil painting, vibrations of light
Light Speed, digital camera image from TV screen, no flash

Thursday, February 8, 2018


I am getting weary of winter white:

grey upon grey....

Snow Cat~ 

The snow leopard cub's face says it all....

Years ago I became fascinated with cats, large and small, and many other animal friends.

Finally I saw snow leopards!  Real furry ones, then I was able to draw, paint, and pencil them in various ways.  Long and sturdy,  a very thick furry coat and tail, eyes narrowed to reduce snow glare, snowshoe paws, and black lip lining with extra dark hairs to shield from UV sun rays all paint an animal built for survival in very high altitudes of 10,000 feet or more.


Drawing the Line~

Ruff, The Great Furry 

I am amazed how animals and people adapt to all kinds of climates and altitudes.  I love watching a cat or collie grow a think winter coat, just like magic!

*"Snow on snow on snow..."

A Collage of Colors Paint Winter: 
yellow ochre light,
cobalt blue,
brunt umber,
burnt Sienna,
titanium white,
Payne's gray

Winter Wolf~ 

"It's Snow Joke~ "

Blog Search Key Words Winter,  Snow Leopard, Tiger, Wolf, Cat

Related Posts: 

Winter Wolf
Escape Artists
Stars and Snow Spirit of Phoebe
Legend of the White Stag
Dream Catcher

* In the Bleak Midwinter, Julie Andrews sings

Art Instruction:
The Art of Painting Wild Animals, 1975, A Grumbacher Art Library Book, Paintings by Art Schoenherr  

Dahlis Roy:  Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Instructor

Images by Dahlis
Young Snow Leopard, pastel painting 
Intention, pencil drawing
Drawing the Line, ink quick sketch
Ruff, The Great Furry, photo
Winter Wolf, oil painting