Saturday, August 8, 2020


Years ago I wrote a post about a dream I had: Pour Yourself a Cup of Colors....later I saw the cup of colors in my living room and quickly snapped the shot!  A living vision came to life.

In the dream I was sitting in in an outdoor sunny setting on a high balcony at a white circular metal table.  A figure in a long white filmy dress appeared in the dream.  She was sunny and smiling.  She brought with her a blue and white teapot and there were two blue and white teacups for us on the table.  The angel figure poured tea into the cups.  Instead of tea, rainbows of color and light poured into the cups!  Joy!   Smiles!

"Random Bits of Data are floating in....."  I think in bits and pieces of thought and action, mostly pictures stream by, still frames, slideshows, and actions fast or slow in various slices of life memories... 

Bits of Conversations are coming in:

"I am the place 
where fear and trust sit side by side
waiting to be born...." Debra Basham (Aug 5, 2019)

"Think, but not too much."
"We are all one in our human story," William Emery, M.D.

"The universe works differently than is commonly supposed," Mildred

"Imagination is more important than knowledge," Albert Einstein

"Let go of schedule, outcome, or agenda, and the universe takes care of the details,"  Deepak Chopra, M.D.

"Practice with spirit, got it?"  Jou,Tsung Hwa, Math and Tai Chi expert

"All is possible with the mind."
"ALL,"  Paul Lam, M.D. Tai Chi expert

"Bring your mind from the outside of your body to the inside...." Dr. Yang, Jwing-ming, Tai Chi, Qigong expert

"Look at Yonder Misty Mountain....What it's been like being you?"  Donovan Leitch, singer songwriter

"I keep you warm in my heart~"  Louise Watson R.N.

"Bring me the Sunset in a Cup," Emily Dickenson, poet

Pour Yourself a Cup of Colors~

Quotes from Friends Printed with Permission:
(Debra Basham, William Emery, M.D., Mildred, Louise Watson, R.N.)

Other Sources:
Albert Einstein, books, TV specials, theories of relativity, "It's all relative...."

Deepak Chopra, M.D. Chopra Meditation, online help in search of centering, calm, focus, and creativity, books, newsletter

Jou, Tsung Hwa, books The Dao of Meditation and more

Dr. Paul Lam, books Born Strong and more, taichiforhealthinstitute online courses and instruction

Dr. Yang, Jwing-ming, Taijiquan Theory, book by Dr. Yang. online instruction, many books and novels

Donovan Leitch, singer songwriter, painter, poet, Donovan's Greatest Hits

Emily Dickenson, Poet

Dahlis Roy:  Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Practitioner

Photo by Dahlis
Cup of Colors, 2015