Thursday, April 18, 2019


* World Tai Chi Day in 2019 is Celebrated on Saturday, April 27, at 10 AM in your Time Zone all around the world!

White Cranes Spread Wings

Tai Chi players meet in groups, or alone if you wish, in nature, or indoors depending on the weather, in silence or with music or bird songs or babbling brooks or gentle rainfall.  In sun in mist, even in snow or high deserts, we gather in the space of ** One World one Breath to Pratice Tai Chi and Qigong.

It was a great life changing day on August 7,1997, when my son Rob got me into good enough shape so that I was able to attend my very first class, a Tai Chi in the Park Experience.

I hid behind (not in) the back row in a group of advanced Tai Chi players led by Jiong Gu, a Chinese Medical Doctor, orginally from Shanghai.  I became invisible as I followed the routine Rob had shown me, the 108 synchronized movements of the Gu Family Style of the Yang Long Form.  

"I felt I would return next week and the next...."

I read, I studied, I practiced at home, I made drawings, I painted, colors lightened and brightened, I felt better, I worked hard, I rested well. 

The Tai Cheetah
Paintings Became More Fun

And then Dr Gu said, "You need to meet experts."  And so I traveled to meet them, a parade of professionals teaching in USA from China and Taiwan and Australia....who could believe?

One day, long ago, Dr. Gu promoted me to Form Practice Leader.  My first day as leader, "I stood in silent terror as the flag beat loudly against the flagpole in the brisk chilly wind."  Students spread out behind me in fan shape, waiting.  I pressed "play" button on the music machine.  "And so it bagan...." 

All these years ego, eye blinks in time, who would predict, especially me that I would still enjoy leading and teaching?  Who would fathom the paintings, photos, writings, and friends that appeared and still appear without effor, thanks to Tai Chi practice.  

Sunbeam on Painting Reflects Blue


"Events that seem to be totally unrelated can actually be interdependent," Deepak Chopra.

And so it is, our own unique journeys of the heart-mind, flow into the ever present "Now."

"Let the petals of your life unfold, like a rose opening, one at a time and each in perfect order." Louise Watson, R. N.

"Your Legacy is Every Life You Touch," Maya Angelou

"Our Kitchen Table~ The Deepest You," Oprah Winfrey

Blue Light Reflections
on our kitchen table

ALL WAYS,  We find our paths, one step at a time


* Celebrate World Tai Chi Day at Lotus Tai Chi, Owner Tsui-Lien Chang, Village Square, Stevensville MI, (USA) 9 AM on Sat. April 27, 2019.  Welcome! 

* World Tai Chi and Qigong Day was created by Bill Douglass to encourage world wide interest and awareness of these intergrated exercises. 

Key Words:  World Tai Chi Day, Tai Chi, Qigong

Tai Chi and Qigong ("Chee-gong" means energy work)

Paul Lam, M.D., taichiforhealthinstitute, world wide Tai Chi for Health

Master Weiqi, He; and Lin, Hou Seng, co creators of 18 Form Taiji Qigong

Dr. Yang Jwing-ming, WMAA, Tai Chi, Qigong, global

Yang Family Tai Chi from the Lineage Holders of Yang Long Form

Jou, Tsung Hwa, author, math expert, meditation "wise teacher"

Dahlis Roy:  Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Instructor

Images by Dahlis:
Oil Paintings: Dancing Cranes, Mysterious Cheetah, Dune Painting with blue light beam
PhotoBlue Light on Kitchen Table