Thursday, July 30, 2015


Overnight I got today's blog title, Blue Me Away, and dreamed images of butterflies and words/worlds to come.

Signing in today, I noticed the time, I don't always notice the "time."  2:22 PM July 30, 2015 was the readout.  I chuckled as I reached for *Healing with the Angels book by Doreen Virtue and read about the number sequence 222:  Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality....Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing."  

NOW I remembered ** Deepak Chopra had said something several days ago about "out of the blue" on his spoken introduction to The Secret of Being meditation.  I looked it up online and heard:

"The deepest secrets can be hidden behind the simplest things....Everyone has had that experience of expanded awareness.  Out of the Blue you feel free, unbounded, blissful, and awestruck....The poet Wordsworth speaks about a higher reality....'streaming clouds of glory.' "

I pondered:  This poetic state of being, living, thinking, and feeling is present in moments, insights, flashes, sustained research, or even daydreaming by creative individuals in all fields.  

***  "Science and Art are One," Henry Adams, Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres

Blue Me Away again:
Then I opened today's meditation with Oprah and Deepak and saw a posted picture of a cave, swirls of rock pointed to an opening, light emerged.  Best of all was the neon bright dark and lighter blues of swirling water skimming over the rocks inside the cave.  I felt the coldness of the cave, but enjoyed the warm circle of light appearing.  I have had these cave images many time during meditations.  Most recently an abundance of boat mind pictures have also appeared.  These are always empty flat rowboats with no oars.  They come in various colors. Where will they take us?

Butterflies are Free to Fly~
"One is Naturally Filled with Thankfulness," Deepak Chopra

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* Healing With the Angels, Chapter 12, Number Sequences from the Angels, book by Doreen Virtue.  

** Chopra Center Meditation, Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey free online 21 Day Meditation Experiences.  The current one is Manifesting Grace Through Gratitude.  
Day 16, The Hidden Secret of Being, July 28, 2015
Day 18, The Rewards of the Higher Self, July 30, 2015
Variety of free meditations available and some for purchase. 

*** Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres, 1910, by Henry Adams.  Take a sacred pilgrimage into the middle ages.

Wind Records from Taiwan, also selections from Amazon, today's theme is Tranquility, Tai Chi Way, Regimen Music, lively and upbeat.  

Dahlis Roy: Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Instructor 

Photos by Dahlis
Bright Blue Light reflects through a bottle in my kitchen

Butterflies Are Free to Fly, a gift scarf