Tuesday, April 9, 2013



What is Gratitude?   What is Abundance?   Who Am I?   Where Am I?

Many people keep a gratitude journal or online writing where they can come into a quiet space in their hearts each day as they reflect on their abundance~a dance of sun and raindrops.

Some folks think of gratefull events when they wake up each day and give thanks, before the mind-chatter begins.  This year I started a new Memory Jar where I can write a positive thought, experience, or quote each day and drop it into my grandfather's blue mason glass jar.  Some like to write their thanksgivings of the day before bed each night.  Others may choose to create photo folders, digital, online storage, or in small albums for physical touch "just like old times." 

Giving Thanks Opens the Heavens!

Gratitude is an ever evolving breath.  The ability to "Be still as a pond of clear water, reflecting both Heaven and Earth," Lao Tzu, Tao te Ching

I am grateful for the wonder of the mind's eye, awakening our hearts and spirits:  changing the world for the positive good one breath at a time.

I am grateful for the gifts of seated meditation I recently started.  I feel calmer already and more mindful of the ever present "Now."  I feel more flexible in "schedule" and awakening a new gratitude for my body and how we co-create together in solitude and with others in ever expanding spiritual partnerships.

Related Posts:  
Giving Thanks Opens the Heavens, (Nov 2010), Message in a Bottle (Jan 2013), Puzzle (Feb 2013).

http://www.chopracentermeditation.com  Deepak Chopra, M.D., Author, Medical expert and Spiritual Teacher.  

http://www.taichiforhealthinstitute.org  Paul Lam, M.D., develops and promotes Tai Chi for Health Programs.  Tai Chi is meditation in motion.  Relax while you exercise for better health.

dahlis.roy@gmail.com  Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Instructor

Abundance photo by Dahlis Roy