Sunday, June 5, 2011



Pinwheels of color dance around me, through me.
Light vibrations--neon rainbows!
Feather light, I turn and circle on the emerald carpet of April.

     white crane spreads wings  *
   *  In harmony the flock dances  *

Bare twigs scratch the cerulean sky.
I glance upward.

Wind whips the flag against the pole.
I do not hear it.

Music from another time--another place
Floats my soul.

         *  play guitar  *

Light fading to peach, I pick up a silhouette.

     *  sunrise mountain  *

Turn, circle, kick--hit the tiger.
I feel a rose hue,  an inner light shines.
Sun splashes the emerald:  silent speaking!
Soon will I leave, not leaving this time....

              wave hands like clouds  *
Sometimes it is time to travel with no destination:

You will hear my voice

     You will feel the breeze

          You will pick up my light

               I will know you are there

Leaving for a new location is a journey of becoming.  We didn't have a destination in that Emerald April.  After Tai Chi class Kay exclaimed, "I saw mountains today during Tai Chi practice!  I think your new home will be a land of mountains." 

A bit later in our new location, I walked the beach, looked up and marveled.... " and the mountains are made of sand!" 

                        "We miss you but you are still here...."  

Poem by Dahlis Roy

Sand Mountains

Starchild, oil painting by Dahlis Roy
Sand Mountains photo by Paul, published with permission
Tai Chi Silhouette, photo by Kay, published with permission