Wednesday, January 14, 2015


 Rose Quartz

Pick up a rock or mineral and hold it or gaze at it in Wonder and Stillness.

"Even the smallest gesture can shift someones day,"
  Deepak Chopra, M.D.

"You can't use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have," Maya Angelou

"Art is part of my everyday.  I'm living my dream, and I love to share my gifts with others,"
Michelle Palmer, Artist

Sharing for you with you?  How?  When?  Why?  A blend of giving and receiving is here.  Experiment and Enjoy~

A few minutes of rest, nourishment, recreation, or exercise can make a difference.

Add a bit of
Yin and Yang in Action~ to your day:

* Stretch

Key Words:  Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation, Creativity

Related Posts:
Stepping Stones
Electric Handshake 
Color (Y)our World, "Breathe Relax and Think Blue"

Deepak Chopra, book, The Future of God, Chopra Center Meditation online, many free meditations, Yoga 

Maya Angelou, author, spiritual teacher

* 20-20-20 tip from The Dr. Oz Show, every 20 minutes (set your timer or phone), get up out of your chair.  Look at a faraway object at least 20 feet from you and gaze at it for 20 seconds.  Raise arms, stretch and bend a bit.  This helps reset and refresh your mental computer and strengthens muscles in your eyes, body and brain.

Dr. Paul Lam, Tai Chi for Health programs

Peggy Cappy, Yoga various levels

Dahlis Roy:  Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Instructor

Rose Quartz, color of unconditional love, photo by Dahlis
Feel the Qi, Tai Chi Energy, oil painting by Dahlis