Thursday, April 14, 2022


 Sancat:  The Cat is Fully Present at all Times

A long "time" ago, we decided to search for another orange male kitty.  We missed our Zar a gold and white tomcat.  Very wise in the ways of the outdoors Zar was.  

Years ago, two photos appeared in the local paper.  There was an orange kitten named "Bulldog" (Bulldog?) and a dark tabby named Sasha.

We went to a local Animal Aid foster home to view a rowdy "pack" of frisky kitties running back and forth wall to wall and back again, blurred lightening in the kitty room.

Guess who was the leader of the pack? The gold male we had our eyes on!  he streaked leaping over the other kitties and "bounced" off the wall!  Leap on the wall, four feet all in sync propelled him back off the wall and leaping clear over the pack of kitties. Then they chased him to the other end of the room, and the "bounce/leap" was expertly repeated! 

"He defies the laws of gravity."  "He acts like a helicopter."

                          "We think this is the one!"

After adoption, we bundled up the golden boy in a blanket we had brought and walked home with him.  He was calm and smiling self-satisfied..  

"What will be his new name?"

We had recently seen pictures of Sand Cats, golden desert cats living in the high Sahara desert and rock cave region. How about "Sancat" for a name? His nickname could be San.  

At home Chessie adopted Sancat as her own kitten.  She taught him cat martial arts. The art of tripping another cat.  Hook your front paw around a back hind leg as they pass by you.  They tumble. No cats are harmed in this play game. Kung Fu kitty skills are learned and practiced.

Chessie and Sancat explored the yard together!  

Chessie Walks her Timeline

* Paws on Grass

A bit later, we went back to pick up Sasha, San's dark tabby sister. Sasha was hiding under the sofa in a large room of friendly cats.  We met Sancat and Sasha's Momcat that day. Her name was Hope and she looked just like Chessie! Both grey tabbies with an orange spot in the center of their foreheads.  "Imagine."  

Sasha came into our home, and we noticed that the kitties had both stripes and spots!  A line of spots along their dorsal stripes on both sides of the backbone and fading into striped patterns along their sides.  

"Spots and Stripes Forever!"  

"Magic Markings"

At home, Sasha, ever mysterious, "watched' other cat friends from a distance.  She was quiet and liked being alone or hiding under beds.  Sasha observed the inner workings of the cat family clan and learned from them.  Watching and waiting, much later Sasha became a quiet leader. She asserted herself and became more social.  

Sancat's favorite TV shows were watching nature shows of little lion cubs and sand cats hunting at night.  Sancat's gestures and face structure reminds us of his lion past.  

Happy to note that Momcat Hope and Masha, San and Sasha's litter sister, also got great homes!  Purrfect

Sasha and Sancat: "Eyeshine" Cats' Eyes Glow in the Dark, Night Hunters

*Shadrach Comments! 

"Shad Here!"

"I am wearing my favorite blue bandana!"

I contributed the comments ALL IS PAWSIBLE and PAWSIBILITIES UNLIMITED in the previous story about Sancat and Sasha as kittens.  I want you to note that Chessie, in the above photo, is demonstrating the concept: PAWS ON GRASS. 

PAWS ON THE GROUND are so important to animals, they feel more like themselves, outdoors and active. Even a short walk, romp, run or play with their humans or other animal friends help make the furry friend feel complete.   


"By the way my favorite color is GREEN!

I am Your Partner in Rhyme:

"I Love green

It's so serene!"


* Shad's Comments by dW, printed with permission

Dahlis Roy Visionary Artist, Author, Photographer and (Retired) Tai Chi Instructor 


Cats and Green Light by Dahlis 

Shadrach's photo contributed by dW, printed with permission.

More Stories: Blogger Search Key Words: Kitties' names: Zar, Zara, Chessie,  Mrs. Harris, Tom Sancat, Sasha, Orange, Ruff    

Dogs: Collies Laddie and Sky 

Animals: What Kind of Animal are You?  Big Cats, Wolves and more

Painting and Drawing Animals: Creative Inspirations

Animal Angels: Natasha, Cimarron, (The Happy Wanderer), Shadrach (Wizzard, Poet, Gentle Healer), More soon about Blue, (gentle protector, emits blue light as needed for healing), The Celestial Pack also includes Skye, (likes moonlight) and Gandolf (coaches Dodge'em Dog game).  Contributed by dW

Related Posts: Timelapse Memory, Stopwatch and Listen, Invisible Bridge, Beyond the Blue Horizon, Humming Right Along, Celestial Creatures, Art Galaxy