Sunday, September 26, 2021







From the stars we came.  

Silver, in the night of Sept 23,1985.  That's 36 years ago!  How can that be? You came in a waking vision of light beams from the full moon flickering on my wall through the window.  Breeze blowing gently through the trees created a "Butterfly,  Angel, Dove" shape evolving figure.  Waves of light inspired me, I grabbed a notepad and wrote and wrote about the ever changing light.  Later, I painted you, one brush one color with white canvas as "white space" instead of paint.

Later a friend suggested "That's a Book!"  And so, Silver Butterfly Create a Vision was born, gradually and over time you came to life in bits and pieces, of dreams, paints and words/worlds of adventures.  Fun and questioning, forests and mountain tops, clouds and rain a blend of action and rest.


Blue, you came to me in a bolt of blue, I "saw" a figure of a giant blue butterfly in a Tai Chi class as we imagined a "white black board" and "what might appear on it?"  After class I grabbed a paintbrush and hastily carved out the mental image on canvas before it vanished. Again, one brush, one blue color, and leaving white canvas as white space.  Then I wrote to a friend in the UK, she answered.  "I have been seeing a blue butterfly in front of my eyes for several days now!"  Where was the source, she wondered? 

With help and encouragement, OUT OF THE BLUE went live on Today Sept 26, 2010 as a blog on Google's Blogspot.  My whole world of butterfly wings expanded and grew to inspire creative thinking in a positive way for readers and writers, photographers, and musicians and dancers, teachers, and students and more to create their visions and expand vistas of sunrises and sunsets, of cosmos and clouds of light, visible and invisible.

Thank You!  Birthday Girls~ Silver and Blue for your wonder-full world of limitless imagination fun, awe, surprises. change, and outreach.  Have a Blue Ribbon Celebration!

I Had A Dream:  I am walking down in an art gallery, all alone (I like that) and my paintings and prints through the years are lined up, displayed on both sides of the long hall.  I greeted each painting and drawing, sketches, coded notes and scribbles with smiles and delights.  At the end of the hall, there was a there was a very large white canvas resting on a wooden easel.  On it, someone had scribbled in black paint with a big brush:  


and so it is~


* "I honor change and welcome it," Debra Basham   Do I ?

** "Think, but not too much," William F. Emory, M.D.   I overthink a lot

*** "I am calm  I am quiet"  Neither, but working on it

**** WHITE SPACE, do nothing, even  30 second bursts can help reset the brain.  Getting Easier!

+ Nature Walks Are Much Better Now


"When You wish Upon A Star, Your Dreams Come True~"

Dream Big!


When You Wish Upon A Star~ song of long ago.  

* Debra Basham, Imagine Healing, Healing Touch Therapy, and more, with Joel Bowman, Ph.D.

** William F. Emory, M.D., medical knowledge, "Science and art are one~"

*** "Calm and Quiet" a friend suggests this

**** White Space, prescription for wellness segment, Jen Ashton, M.D., ABC Medical Advisor GMA 3 Sept 2021

+ Nature Walks, "Nature Does Not Hurry...." Tao teh Ching  

Related Posts:

Silver Butterfly Create A Vision. Out of the Blue blog, various references

The Blank Page

A Strong Clear Vision

Silent Speaking

Wander and Ponder

Stopwatch and Listen


A Jar 

Dahlis Roy: Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Practitioner

Paintings by Dahlis:

Silver, oil on canvas, Silver Butterfly

Out of the Blue, oil on canvas. Blue Butterfly 

White Space, blank triangle canvas, easy and fun...."everywhere the light touches," The Lion King Walt Disney Productions