Tuesday, November 10, 2020


*  "Everything the light touches....."

Have you ever watched the sunlight shift over your favorite paintings?  The strong vibrant full sun, the soft glows, the backlighting, the subtle colors and shades, wonders yet discovered and every day is "new" because of the ever shifting light.

With weather and colors lighting up in turn, seasonal paintings parade in our living room.  Each painting choice different, each fun and enjoyable.  Paintings emit unique energy all their own!  

Clouds and Water, reflections and refractions, trees shimmer and glow, soft detail.  Here the random brush strokes play and frolic, blending, at a distance into a more unified "wholeness" of the scene.  

Experimenting with French Impressionism technique is enjoyable and, depending on the lighting, you never know just what colors and shadows may appear.  Every Moment Different

Shadow Shift

Looking at the Abbey, I feel the blues "lighting up."  Until I saw the subtle light effects, I had forgotten just how many blue touches had entered the rocky sculptured look of brushstrokes and textures, of sky and sea.

Now I am spending more time with nature this year, observing clouds, plants, trees and light first hand, I feel more connected, more relaxed.  Daily "nature breaks" reset my mental computer and help body strength as well.  Feeling the breeze and touching leaves brings the heart mind into a unity of peace and reflection.

** "Today I have grown taller from walking with the trees."  Karle Wilson Baker

*** "A million oak leaves await within one forest."  David B. Axelrod.

Blogger Search Key Words: Autumn, Impressionist Painting, Architecture

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* Quote from The Lion King (1994) Walt Disney Productions, Mufasa talks to his cub Simba.

** Quote from Karle Wilson Baker from a message on a teabag, Traditional Medicinal Organic teas.

*** Quote from Another Way, poems derived from the Tao Te Ching, one of many books written by David B. Alexrod, founder of CHI, Creative Happiness Institute


The Memory of Trees, album by Enya

Aspenglow  song by John Denver

Dahlis Roy, Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Practitioner

Images by Dahlis

Backyard in Autumn, sunlight flickers over oil painting

Impressionist Sketch, oil painting

Abbey Church in Normandy, (708 AD) below Mont-Saint-Michel, oil painting.

"The Archangel Loved Heights" from the book Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres by Henry Adams (1909)