Thursday, June 19, 2014


                            * "Art is being in the creative zone," Louie Schwartzberg 

Can you meditate with your eyes open?  Of course!   

Photographer Louie Schwartzberg, a filmmaker, speaks about experiencing nature as a viewed meditation.  His time lapse images of flowers opening, hummingbirds in slow motion, or migrations of monarch butterflies stir deep memories of the heart. 

Many years ago, I remember chasing down the monarch in my yard and waiting to capture the moment on (real) film!  I crouched in stillness, I zoomed close up with photo-portrait lens.  Waiting in silence, I snapped several views to ensure one night turn out brilliantly colored. 

Turning the Camera Lens Brings Life Into Focus!

What a reward to view the finished butterfly nestled on marigold flowers, caught on a hot and humid sunny summer day in east central Iowa....

And now the world is digital.  Everyone can experience the joy of photography easily.  We can take endless shots and love deleting the unfavorable ones right away!  Sharing is instant for us to choose family, friends, and/or the world.  We love it!  Don't we?

A Quiet Space
Can you meditate while moving?  Yes!  Tai Chi and Yoga, integrated exercises, balance mind-body-spirit and may help create alpha waves in the brain and increase GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) for a relaxed state of mind and body.  Physical strength and range of motion also increase.

Yes you can meditate while eating mindfully?  Taste, aroma, presentation, quiet surroundings, result is an "oh yes please and thank you" moment!

Sitting Still
When I experience seated meditation with eyes closed, I often see and feel eyes all around me, usually these are the eyes of the big or small cats, wolves or horses.  Wolves are teachers:  What do they want me to experience, teach and share?  Meditation fosters creativity.  I receive many inspirations for paintings in my "mind's eye" during seated meditations.

 The Inner Light

Where is your Mindful Room or Space or Corner or Tree or Flowered Space where you can take a quick as needed "stretch and breathe" and reset your mind to receive gratitude and concentrated focus?   Imagine your Mindful Scene, even at work.  Twenty seconds or more can be a source of quick calming.

"Write Now" these various forms of meditation, including sleeping relaxation and deeper enjoyment of life, are new to me, but are now soaking into every cell and fiber of my being after many years of  Everyday Zen....

*** "Three Deep Breaths and a Smile,"  Rudy Tanzi, Ph.D.

The Eyes Have It!

Key Words:  Meditation, Tai Chi, Qigong, and Yoga

Related Posts:
Wander and Ponder 
The Universe Within 
Skin Deep 
All Eyes 
Already Done 
A Strong Clear Vision 
Creative Energy 
Escape Artists 
Winter Wolf 
Stars and Snow Spirit of Phoebe  


*** Super Brain book with Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Rudy Tanzi, Ph.D 

Dahlis Roy:  Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Instructor

Images by Dahlis
Monarch on Marigolds, photo SLR film (yes film)

Wolf Eyes, detail from oil painting Winter Wolf

Sasha through the Veil, photo.  I actually don't know how this effect happened in a night image with low light?