Saturday, February 2, 2013


*  "Strange to wander in the fog.
Each bush and stone stands alone,
No tree sees the next one,
Each is alone...."

                                                                                       Who Are You?

Recently we had some-snow-rain-fog mix.  The car was chilled inside the garage, but the outside temp was over 50 degrees.  As I drove down the foggy street, the car fogged up inside too!  Quickly I opened the car windows, turned on the heat and defrost fan.  What a strange experience!  Fog inside-fog lights at the approaching intersection seemed to glow a strange dim gold.  No one was behind me.  I waited extra time and safely headed to the right at my stop sign.  

Navigating new paths?  Inside and Out? 

I arrived at the welcoming Tai Chi group, eager to connect and relax.

Later I pondered back over the past six months.  I have become more of a spontaneous participant in my life events rather than the distant detached observer.  

Emotional?  You Bet! 

Unpredictable?  Yeah Right!

Am I in a fog yet clearer than I have been?  Definitely!

**  A song repeats and repeats in my mind:
"....Even though I pass this time alone
Somewhere so unknown, it...heals the soul.
February Stars floating in the dark, temporary scars, February Stars...."

"Time Alone" yet not alone?
Temporary Scars, what does that mean?

"Healing is a process not an event," someone spoke years ago.

What is healing?  Who heals the healer?

I pull some favorite books off the shelf for redistributing to friends and family.   How can I part with these spiritual gifts?  I open one at random and read:

"same wavelength" my underline.  And then on the next page, *** "Special people who mean as much as you do to me--can be separated from another person by distance and time, and yet, upon meeting again, continue on as though they had never been apart."

"Why?  Because, in truth, they never have been."

The phone rings.
"How come we have such a hard time letting go of physical objects?  We love our books!  We love our clothes!  We love our stuff!"

"My stuff my way!"  I shout!

"Since we are detached emotionally from most people, are we attached to 'things' instead?"

Good Question~

We don't talk often, but when we do, there is instant connection!  I grabbed the book I just found and read, " distance and time, and yet,...continue on as though they had never been apart."  

I know this colorful book will have a new home with my Tai Chi friend.  She can enjoy it and pass it along to others.  Another book has a life of its own!

 Can we really know how another feels and thinks?

*  "....Strange to wander in the fog,
To live is to be alone.
No one knows another,
Each is alone."

                                                                                   Becoming Clear

Related Posts:
Words of Inspiration (Dec 2010), Light Show (Jan 2011), Unplugged, Letting Go Again ( Jan 2012), Off the Grid (Oct 2012), Amazing (G)race and Zen Time (Jan 2013).

***  For You Just Because You're Very Special to Me, a collection of poems by Collin McCarty.
Do some of your books not quite fit with your family's interests, friends or local libraries and book drives?  New homes for your books!  Drop Box Locations and more.  "We have reused or recycled over 18 million pounds of books and raised over 10 million dollars for global literacy."  

Im Nebel poem from Unterwegs (1911) by Hermann Hesse

**  Foo Fighters sing February Stars from the album Foo Fighters.  Eric Borreson, a Tai Chi instructor, writes a Tai Chi blog, Meditation in Motion, Post, The True Cost of Owning Stuff, "....It's time to start filling boxes and making piles of stuff...." (Feb 1, 2013) 
Dr. Paul Lam, a family practice physician in Sydney, Australia, creates Tai Chi for health programs worldwide.  Feel better!  Awaken your creative and logical brain.  Physical strength and well being are yours. Joel P. Bowman, Ph.D and Debra Basham, CHTP, NLP, HTt, RMT,  help your creative healing adventure.  Visionary Artist, Author and Tai Chi Instructor, request free illustrated E-book, Silver Butterfly Create A Vision.

                                                                                      Fog and Water

Photos by Dahlis Roy:

Black Squirrel in Fog.  These squirrels, from the Black Forest area, came via boat from Germany in the 1800's. This one sits, catlike, in the grass and leaves.

Becoming Clear, "Nature does not hurry, yet all is accomplished," Lao Tzu, Tao te Ching

Fog and Water, Lake Michigan  
Note the slight gentle rounded curve of the Earth where sky and water meet.