Wednesday, September 12, 2012


* "The more I am around dogs, the more I see them as teachers," Cesar Milan, The Dog Whisperer

I saw previews showing a Sheltie for an episode of The Dog Whisperer titled Army Brats.  I couldn't wait to watch it!  The dog was so beautiful!  I was transfixed by his style, arched neck, and beautifully groomed coat.  I watched the "proud little dog," patrolling his property, running, barking, and pacing nonstop.
Instantly I realized:

 "That's Me!"  

Like the Sheltie, I rarely sit still.  I am very territorial and patrol my grounds.  When I am clearing my mind, I often pace or wander around in my home as random thoughts, ideas, and images become clear and then crystallize into focused action. 

As Cesar worked with the Sheltie and his human family, I came to know myself better!  Collies and Shelties and other breeds need specific jobs to perform based on their genetic backgrounds. 

The pacing Sheltie has excess energy.  How can I focus my wandering energy better and be more relaxed and confident?  Tai Chi helps ground me along with painting and writing. 

The intelligent Sheltie came more in touch with his job, a herder and protector.  Gradually he became quieter, easing out of the controlling frantic barking at the vacuum cleaner and lawnmower.  He came into a more peaceful state, realizing he could "herd" the small machines without barking by walking along on a leash beside Cesar or a family member.

"Dogs live in the moment, every moment," Cesar

How can we?

Relaxing with spontaneous fun side trips away from my "planned" daily schedule is also helping me to feel more confident.  I become free of "thoughts, words, and deeds," letting go and enjoying the moments.  My son, Rob, and I love these bits of joy and wonder as we shake up our routines.

Recently Rob and I breezed into St. Joseph, Michigan USA on an unplanned Saturday morning for a stroll up and down the bluff.  Lake Michigan and Midwestern Sky united into a veiled haze of silver grey.  Cool breeze and fresh air accompanied us.  Surprise!  Artists and artisans displayed their work in booths that day.  As we watched and walked, many people had their dogs out with them.  Sometimes owners had multiple well-behaved dogs of various breeds.  Many dogs smiled and waved their tails.  Smiling back, I remembered my Collie companions. 

It is so good to be in touch with canine eyes and expressions, coat colors, and body types, creatures who share our  world, our friends and companions for pleasure, protection, and work. 

"Change the world, one dog at a time," Cesar Milan

As I walked, I thought of our four cats at home, furry Tigers in residence each with unique personalities and life-styles, blending with us.  They are certainly four-footed alarm clocks and foot warmers.

Next, booths of fresh grown produce and home made items in the farmers' market greeted us and remind us of a lifestyle where local goods are purchased each day and cooked with love in many countries around the world.

"We are all one in our human story," William K. Emery, M.D.

Next we enjoyed a look over the bluff to view the European style buildings complete with (yes) blue roofs and scanned the riverfront boat docks where recreational crafts waved their masts in a hypnotic gentle back and forth dance.  As the boats bobbed gently up and down in the St. Joseph River docks, they seemed to be inviting their masters to arrive and take them out sailing. 

After we strolled the local shops, Rob and I saw two horses being hitched up to take tourists for a ride in the "trolley."  Their harnesses polished and glowed in the faint sun.

"That's a big animal!"

I studied the horses' ways of standing, their powerful feet and necks, and their relaxed demeanor.  Yes, these steady horses are well bred and suited for their jobs in life.  I thought about the sturdy Knights' Horses and how they evolved into today's draft horse breeds.  These "domestic" creatures came into being for us, displaying the power and beauty of the horse.

Free of schedules and agendas or specific events to see, in Tai Chi practice and in Life: 

**  "Getting Lost is Part of the Journey."

Related Posts:
Fully Present, (June 2012), Running with Horses (Mar 2012), The Little Chessie That Could (Sept 2011), Out of Box Experience (Aug 2011), and Escape Artists (Feb 2011)

Resources:  Cesar Milan, The Dog Whisperer.  Book:  How to Raise the Perfect Dog.  National Geographic Wild:  Dog Whisperer episodes TV and online.

** Teresa Ferrill, owner.  Tai Chi and Yoga instruction with various instructors.  "Letting go of the Tai Chi form is fun and energetic!" 

Albert Payson Terhune, journalist, author, and mystic, dog stories for all ages featuring the Sunnybank Collies, his companions and friends.  Wolf, Lad A Dog, Gray Dawn and more.

Marguerite Henry Misty of Chincoteague, King of the Wind, Album of Dogs and other award winning classics beautifully illustrated by (my hero) Wesley Dennis.    Put a smile in your day!  Boost your adventure in healing for you and your pet with Debra Basham, Holistic Wellness Coach, CHTP, NLP, HTt, RMT, and Joel P. Bowman, Ph.D.   Products:  Cd's for relaxation, Debra's new book:  Stories from my Heart, first edition is already sold out!   request free PDF E book Silver Butterfly, Create A Vision, Awaken Your Creative Spirit

Art work by Dahlis Roy:

Sheltie Pair, pastel painting
Mr. Tabby, pencil on paper at age 14
Mother and Child, oil painting