Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Getting ready to go grocery hunting:

"I lost my list!"

"Well, I'm going list-less today!"

The written word helps me clarify and focus.  Pictures are even better.  It's a learning curve to go without my paper reminder.  I chuckle back to attending Dr. Paul Lam's Tai Chi seminar in June 2011.  I took (for the first time in my life) no written notes!  Absorbing the "Now" moments of enjoyment and practicing Tai Chi in harmony and balance is so needed.

Mental images rewound even further back.  We had a Tai Chi reunion.  I met with my first Tai Chi students several years after moving to a new location.  After group practice we formed a seated circle around a large table for fun and "Catching Up" conversation.

Silent Circle
We took turns sharing around the circle, I started the fun with the girl on my left and so on around for friends' stories and updates.  When the circle got around to me, no one recalled I hadn't shared~yea!  The group got up, hugged and went our separate ways.  (Smile) I love this!

* "...Connectedness, One to Another...Be Better Everyday,"
Sidney Poitier, actor

Related Posts:  Carry Water Chop Wood (June 2011), Catching Up (Apr 2011), Universe Shadows of Cranes, (Dr. Paul Lam, achieve your goals, Mar 2011)

* www.oprah.com/OWN Oprah Winfrey Network, Master Class interviews, Oprah's Next Chapter programs and more for spiritual contemplation and evolution. 

http://www.taichiforhealthinstitute.org/  Dr. Paul Lam, creator of Tai Chi for Health Programs, is a family practice physician in Sydney, Australia.  Articles, Research, Forum, Seminars, DVDs, Music and more 

http://dbasham.blogspot.com/  Patron Saint of Desperate Causes, Debra Basham's new blog 
http://imaginehealing.info/  Joel P. Bowman, Ph.D. and Debra Basham, Executive Wellness Consultant

dahlis.roy@gmail.com  request free illustrated PDF E-book, Silver Butterfly, Create A Vision.

Sacred Geometry, photo by Dahlis Roy  I love my colored triangles, protractor, and ruler even though I do not understand how to use them.