"Hi Blue here to wish you a Happy Everything Day today, every day, and moving forward into the new year."
Here comes Shadrach, the poetic pup and cheerleader:
Her intent gentle face brings a happy smile.
"Whatcha gonna Be in 2023?"
"I want a fur tree, my favorite tree as an ever-changing evergreen gift. In any climate, in any nation around the world/worlds, I'd like my own personal evergreen. I can hide out, sheltered by its branches, and peek out to observe and watch the landscapes, day and night, twilights and sunrise, darks and lights change and mutate. I feel safe and secure. I feel at home."
Fir Trees at base of mountain. Where is your mountain? Climb your own mountain!
Shad continues:
"What is your favorite color or colors? Mine is GREEN"
I speak to myself: "I am Quiet"
"I am Calm"
" I am gentle" (name an attribute you like)
" I am strong" (name another attribute."
"I can become a TREE! You can too! Look up to the skies and stars above."
Howl or hum if you like and raise you paws (hands or hoofs or wings up) think of a melody or chant you like and let it play in your head.
Think in the present tense: "LOVE HAS NO PAST TENSE"
Lion Simba to Rafiki (the shaman cave painter), a Mandrill (monkey.)
"You knew my father?" Simba
* The Lion King
What might you try this year?
Writing, poetry, painting, drawing, abstract, music unlimited? Feeling move love and compassion for others? Feeling more comfortable with your inner self?
Intuition to Fruition, Inner Light Expands, the heart opens for new pawsibilites, "paws and effect" ongrowing.
LOVE SHAD AND BLUE, Natasha and Cimarron too. "The Celestial Pack"
Above words/worlds and thoughts contributed by dW Printed with permission.
* "As we find our way, on the path unwinding, it's the circle. the circle of life."
Blogger Search Key words: animals, angels, cosmic, astronomy, creativity
Read more about the Celestial Pack: enter names of dogs: Blue, Shadrach, Natasha, Cimarron in blogger search upper left hand corner.
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Dahlis Roy: Visionary Artist, Author, Photographer and retired Tai chi Instructor
*The Lion King, Walt Disney Productions (1994 original cartoon animation, others are remake with animatronics, and Broadway Stage Play). Circle of Life: Lion King, Elton John musical score, Tim Rice lyrics for original movie.
Kenneth Schmitt, writer, quantum physics and positive spirituality, conscious expansion.org, blog, books and more. Post: "Choosing the Quality of Our Life Path" and many more. The heart energy expands.
Deepak Chopra, M.D, calming meditations help you explore your inner world.
Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, from quality teachers, unlock your thinking and help your body: "meditation/medication"
Tai Chi, Paul Lam, M.D. Worldwide, online, taichiforhealthinstitutte.org
Dr. Yang, Jwing-ming, WMAA.com online, ancient correct teaching, many books.
Blue "I have a blue eye", dW
Shadrach, "I am a poet and paint too!" dW, dog photos printed with permission
Mountain, The Eagle Flies, oil painting by Dahlis