Wednesday, December 28, 2022



"Hi Blue here to wish you a Happy Everything Day today, every day, and moving forward into the new year."

Here comes Shadrach, the poetic pup and cheerleader:

Her intent gentle face brings a happy smile.  

"Whatcha gonna Be in 2023?"  

"I want a fur tree, my favorite tree as an ever-changing evergreen gift. In any climate, in any nation around the world/worlds, I'd like my own personal evergreen.  I can hide out, sheltered by its branches, and peek out to observe and watch the landscapes, day and night, twilights and sunrise, darks and lights change and mutate. I feel safe and secure. I feel at home."  

Fir Trees at base of mountain.  Where is your mountain? Climb your own mountain!

Shad continues: 

"What is your favorite color or colors? Mine is GREEN"

I speak to myself: "I am Quiet"

                              "I am Calm"

                              " I am gentle" (name an attribute you like)

                              " I am strong" (name another attribute."

"I can become a TREE!  You can too! Look up to the skies and stars above."  

Howl or hum if you like and raise you paws (hands or hoofs or wings up) think of a melody or chant you like and let it play in your head.  


Think in the present tense:  "LOVE HAS NO PAST TENSE"

Lion Simba to Rafiki (the shaman cave painter), a Mandrill (monkey.)

"You knew my father?" Simba


* The Lion King

What might you try this year?

Writing, poetry, painting, drawing, abstract, music unlimited?  Feeling move love and compassion for others?  Feeling more comfortable with your inner self?

Intuition to Fruition, Inner Light Expands, the heart opens for new pawsibilites, "paws and effect" ongrowing.

LOVE SHAD AND BLUE, Natasha and Cimarron too. "The Celestial Pack" 

Above words/worlds and thoughts contributed by dW Printed with permission.

* "As we find our way, on the path unwinding, it's the circle. the circle of life."

Blogger Search Key words: animals, angels, cosmic, astronomy, creativity

Read more about the Celestial Pack: enter names of dogs: Blue, Shadrach, Natasha, Cimarron in blogger search upper left hand corner.

Related Posts:

Humming and Drumming

Humming Right Along

Superstar/Horse Power

A Strong Clear Vision

Wander and Ponder

Tonal Vision

Dahlis Roy: Visionary Artist, Author, Photographer and retired Tai chi Instructor


*The Lion King, Walt Disney Productions (1994 original cartoon animation, others are remake with animatronics, and Broadway Stage Play). Circle of Life: Lion King, Elton John musical score, Tim Rice lyrics for original movie.

Kenneth Schmitt, writer, quantum physics and positive spirituality, conscious, blog, books and more. Post: "Choosing the Quality of Our Life Path" and many more.  The heart energy expands. 

Deepak Chopra, M.D, calming meditations help you explore your inner world. 

Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, from quality teachers, unlock your thinking and help your body: "meditation/medication"

Tai Chi, Paul Lam, M.D. Worldwide, online,

Dr. Yang, Jwing-ming, online, ancient correct teaching, many books.


Blue "I have a blue eye", dW

Shadrach, "I am a poet and paint too!" dW, dog photos printed with permission

Mountain, The Eagle Flies, oil painting by Dahlis

Wednesday, December 14, 2022



Beam of Light, Oh So Bright


A new location in the hall, this painting came to life and all!  Day or Night, Light is Right!

The Sunnybank Collies (the Cosmic Collie Clan) wish you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!


My name is Blue, Howl RU?

This is a fun "Partial Post" for the Holidays.  I have a Ghost Eye (blue) and a dark black and tan coat.  I am quiet and watch over people and animals.  I give help as needed.  I am writing a book called The Blue Book, "Point Blue."

I am a member of the Celestial Pack

Natasha (Pack Leader) very large black and tan. Gentle, kind to cats. Helps others to feel safe and secure.

Cimarron (The Happy Wanderer) Yodels right along, "Hey-a ho!" Be Jolly! Sing Along.

Shadrach (the Poetic Pup with many Talents) Cheerleader, Coach, Teacher, Encouragement.  

"The Fur tree is my favorite tree!"  

"I am sky, I am sea, I am ME!"

I like to wear bandannas! 

Your Inner Sound

Humming is great too!

"Hum, Hum, Hum

I'm on My Way

to a Better Day!"

Poem and Text contributed by dW printed with permission


Related posts:

Celestial Pack, Sunnybank Collies, Cats, Dogs, Horses, Wolves, Wildcats, and more, birds, reptiles, crystals, plants, rocks, sea creatures, creativity: search blogger upper left corner

Humming Right Along

Humming and Drumming

Tonal Vision

What Kind of Animal Are You?

Wander and Ponder

Mrs. Harris is a Sand Cat

Kerry and the Wolf Shadow, Kerry Remembers his ancestors

Thin Ice, will the small black wolf cross the ice covered pond? 

Dahlis Roy: Visionary Artist, Author, photographer, and (retired) Tai Chi Instructor.


Our Christmas Puppy, Get Sirius! oil painting by Dahlis

 Winter Wolf, oil painting by Dahlis

Sunnybank Collie Christmas Card, Collie Club of America. There are 12 of the most famous Sunnybank Collies. Albert Payson Terhune, Author, journalist, Visionary, Lad A Dog, Grey Dawn and more.

Photos: Blue: "I am Blue Who RU?" and Shad, poetry and wizard in training, Blue and Shad printed with permission from dW..

Saturday, December 3, 2022



" Here's a vision that we can manifest for anyone who loves having a body.  We can learn to vibrate at a very high positive frequency and train our physical cells to resonate with us, raising the vibrations of our physical bodies so that we can still have the enjoyment of physicality in a higher dimension where everything is positive. We can realize our physicality essentially as a vibrating pattern that resonates with infinite Being."  

* Quote from Kenneth Schmitt, author, conscious, Quantum Physics and Positive Spirituality

** "Angels in the Architecture, Spinning in Infinity"

I have been listening to a lot of music (all styles) lately especially as I write and paint.

  The Archer

I wonder:  Does "intuitive living" develop from "seeing, hearing, feeling, dreaming, conversations, scientific research plus choices and conclusions in all walks of life and in all ages, worldwide and Beyond?   

These life experiences may be felt as vibrations from many dimensions and "translated" into scientific discoveries, music, artwork, stage plays, directors pondering a movie, a physician "searching" for just the right treatment for a patient's condition, the correct tree to plant in its natural location, the blueprint plan for a new structure or lifestyle changes and much more.  

I like that thought of multisensory and multidimensional "translation."  

*** Over the Span of Five Months, I "watched and absorbed a kid's cartoon" about Wizards in Training.  All characters were animals.  I like that!  One of the young hopeful wizards was jittery and nervous, disruptive, and not following simple directions.  "That sounds like me" I thought and turned off the TV several times to avoid more disturbance.  Several months later, I actually sat "alone" for better concentration and "made myself watch the entire show.  The wizard friends in training, Donkey Hodie and Duck Duck came to help the struggling friend, Bob Dog.  They helped him sit down under a big tree and relax, and they placed his paws on opposite shoulders gently. I liked the meditation and decided to try it later.

The calming meditation WORKED!  I got relaxed and it was simple and easy.   The following is a summary of the exercise, and a few extra hints.

                    Amythest and Quartz, Sparkle Plenty, a butterfly shape appears. 

Note: before trying meditations, consult a qualified professional if you need extra help for individual, or group work. 

I even the meditation imagining that I was a kitty, puppy or pony just for fun.


Relax Shoulders

Think: "I am quiet, I am Calm" 

Cross arms (paws) gently and place on opposite shoulders

Think Silently: " Hug Self, Love Self "

Think Butterfly "Light of Day or Night"

Natural Breath, hands (paws) in lap, "Breathe and Receive" repeat a positive thought 

The Path Unwinding: 

When you are ready, picture a "path' in your imagination.  My path is in the woods, the path is soft for walking and can appear in all seasons of the year.  My path turns to the left in a distance and vanishes into the forest.  

Who is on the path with you? 

Are you alone, with friends, relatives, animals?  Images may vary from day to day or night to night.  "Write Now" The Black Stallion from a movie of Long Ago is trotting along, he's neighing and having a great time!  Then he turns left and disappears. 

Your Path can be anywhere, beach, mountain, picnic.  After you enjoy the path, think quietly "

"What is a simple plan I can do now?"  The path and plan are flexible and changeable.  

Blue Waves!  Where are you Traveling?

When you are ready, get up slowly and gently and move forward into your simple plan

Comments:  I found that in "Hug Self, Love Self," I had no "self love."  Missing in Action.  I am working to increase gentle self-esteem and reach out for others with kindness and love.  Self-Love is not selfishness, but care of "self" in a gentle way. 

I also discovered that "Hug Self, Love Self" said silently any time of day or night resets my way of thinking to be moving forward and relaxed.  Sleep and mood have improved greatly.  

                                                       PATH PERFECT

                                                          Light Your Path


Dahlis Roy: Visionary Artist, Author, Photographer and Retired ai Chi Instructor 


*Kenneth Schmitt, author, conscious expansion .org, Quote printed with permission. Quantum Physics and positive spirituality, books, blog, groups, other posts include Creating a Continuously Heart-Felt Life, Aligning with Universal Consciousness

** (music) "Angels in the Archetecture...." Paul Simon Call me Al"

***, PBS kids, Donkey Hodie, 2022, Wizards in Training: Wiz-Kazizz-Kazaam Donkey Hodie and Duck Duck help calm Bob Dog. I love the fun costumes and upbeat approach.



 Angels in the Architecture, oil painting by Dahlis

The Archer oil painting by Dahlis

Amythest and Quartz, butterfly shaped, photo by Dahlis

Blue Waves, photo contributed by Judy Janke, printed with permission

A Strong Clear Vision, oil painting by Dahlis