Thursday, September 17, 2020


  XO?  What does it mean?

When I was a child my Mom and I played XO writing skills, up and down, cross ways, sideways, backwards.  I wrote everything backwards, even my name.  I see that XO backwards is OX!  That too.

Sometimes I saw X's and other designs painted on barns, cross beams on barn or stall doors might have an "X" shape.  

Then there is X the Owl and O the Owl, characters on * Mr. Roger's Show Neighborhood show and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood (cartoon) on PBS TV.  

Cat Silhouette:  "owl ears"?

One time I got a letter,XOXOXO it said at the end...."Love" symbols my Mom added.

**And then, there are EXO planets~ ! Space Junk, Dark Matter, Vibrations, Frequencies too many to mention, Space Dust, Asteroids, the list is endless.  Photons, particles/waves of light! Interference patterns and florescence~ You gotta love it~  Colors Unlimited! 

Let's Get "Sirius" here~ and have some fun.

If you created an EXO planet custom made for you, what would yours be? Your "planet home?" or a base for wandering adventures? Who would be with you? If anyone?

I would wander the cosmos, no home base, at random, and at various speeds.  If I had an EXO planet (like a cosmic art studio) the ethereal light would be various shades of blues from cobalt to cerulean, from phthalo blue, to French Ultramarine, with threads of silver mix....and  bits of lapis lazuli~ particles.  XO's The Name!

*** Making Waves

* Photons~ "sailed away into the wild red [or blue] yonder....."

Out of Earth Experiences


Related Posts:


A Strong Clear Vision

Wander and Ponder

Our Christmas Puppy, get Sirius! (2012)

On Beams of Light

Magic Numbers

Tonal Vision, the power of music and frequencies in our lives

What Kind of Animal Are You?  "Who RU?"


* Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, ( and recently cartoon, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood PBS  Mr. Rogers' got his TV start at WQED Pittsburgh, PA, the first PBS station.  

** Neil deGrasse Tyson, book (2109) Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, new worlds expand. Quote (p. 58) "sailed away into the wild red yonder." 

Dahlis Roy:  Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Practitioner

Images: Photos by Dahlis:  Aspen Lodge, Colorado, "#108" a sacred number for Buddhists, Tai Chi Yang Long Form is comprised of the 108 synchronized movements. Some say, in India, the frequency of OHM is 108 Hz

Cat Silhouette, Mrs. Harris in shadows, "Who R U?"

Infinity Numbers on a stove clock in sunlight

On Beams of Light

*** photo by Judy J.  Making Waves (blue waters) published with permission