Tuesday, September 1, 2020


No-Thing-Ness?  What does this mean?  If anything~

* Years ago I drew a card from a deck along with friends also drawing cards at random.  Twice I "picked" No-Thing-Ness.  Who could ask for anything more?  Or Less?

a meditative state where the mind is clear and at rest and may receive images, dreams, or pictures, stories, poems, inspirations or "nothing at all~ " All are Correct.

** "Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever should...."

A cosmic cosmos?

A state of being.  How can I achieve it?  If ever?
Things: Stuff, Data, Shells, Rocks, Crystals...Paintings, Drawings, Yarn and Sweaters, It's all random....Notes on paper, "Take Note"

"My Stuff My Way!" I shout to myself~

The Schedule of No Schedule~

The Time of no Time~

"Days and Nights Meld Together....."

*** "Turn around and say good morning to the night.... they know not if it's dark outside or light...."

Between Dark and Dawn....

It feels like Sunday?  But it is Monday?  A haze of days....

I "realized" gradually and recently that my "life" had shifted into a different way of thinking....a more scheduled and left brain type of planned increased activities.  Wonderful for physical exercise!  My hands, arms, legs and feet got stronger!  I had ability to stay awake all day instead of bailing out for a two hour nap in the late afternoon.  How did this happen?

And then....I acknowledged slowly that my creative and connective life had all but vanished....Why?  I no longer felt like calling a friend or being on the internet.  The minutes I grabbed at night, sometimes late at night, provided very little "inspirational or creative energy" to even write a fun blog post....The "easy part" of my life, the visions and dreams and paintings and writings of my right brain had shifted....to the left.
Scheduled "details" and seemingly endless tasks replaced "fun and easy."

I remembered "school" and "jobs."  I recall the fun moments but also the extreme weary feeling I felt:  then and now. 

Emotional Fatigue

Bricks and Mortar

Mum's Machine Shop Mum Ain't Here!
Remember, I do easy work....laundry and dishes.  I love being at home "the great indoors"....an expert in precision and timing..."timed machines...." Purring right along at a "Schedule," all in order.

So, I sat down to relax with "easy watching TV."  I picked up Woodsongs + coming in from Lexington KY.  Loved daydreaming through it and noting the quality of talents, ancient instruments, expert musicians AND near the end of the show, host Michael Johnathon, director, producer, and musician mentioned the "artist" in changing times.  He refers mostly to musicians but I pricked up my ears and came into concentration.  Michael's comments apply to all kinds of artists, in all fields.  Such as the artists' ability to rapidly switch from left brain to right brain activity in ever changing and unplanned times "and keeping your creative side prominent."  

How? I silently asked

Bits from the interview with "Bill" from Bill and the Belles, "retro strings" group and Michael Johnathon.

Bill: A big challenge...."is... to take time for my creative side.  Find that balance...."

"The Just Right," I thought silently.

Michael: Switching [rapidly from right to left brain] "is like having two full time jobs at once."
Your creative side and presenting side are "all consuming" both sides "actually competing for that energy."

"That's Exactly It!" I shouted silently to to myself~ I am not switching "at all" between tedious routine tasks to easy creative work and play.  My fun side, made of light and color, had vanished into No-Thing-Ness.

"I Get It!" The repetitive detail work is "taking out" a lot of my creative energy and outreach.  So, I basically shut down most of my "extra" creative enjoyment to get the physical energy I need to do the increased tasks at hand in changing times known as "The Daily Inbox."

Little Jars All in a Row....

What a great insight Woodsongs show provided!  
And so "tonight" I set aside some "Time" to write, enjoy, reset, and reconnect with my creative inner artist, writer, painter, and photographer.

"The easiest timeless zone I know...." so far

Bit Reading:  Every night at bedtime I set aside 1-3 minutes to open a book at random and read one positive sentence or a short paragraph.
Last night I read:

"You can't make this stuff up,"  **** Neil deGrasse Tyson

Everyday I reinvent myself
I'll figure this out as I grow.

Blogger Search Words:  Music, Creativity

Related Posts:  
Tonal Vision, The power of music
Timed Machines,
Memory Jar, jarring my memory
A Strong Clear Vision
Soul Deep
Rest Reset Reflect
Bits 'n' Pieces
In Search of Anna Kate, Anna Kate is the horse on the mountain pictured above

* Debra Basham and Joel P. Bowman, Ph. D, Imagine Healing LLC, qualified healing help in many areas.

**** Neil deGrasse Tyson, Quote "You can't make this stuff up" from the book Astrophysics for People in a Hurry (2019)  Series TV The Cosmos

Working Within, Self Care Solutions, by Jen Ashton, M.D. various formats

Deepak Chopra, M.D., choprameditation

Paul Lam, M.D., Taichiforhealthinstitute online Tai Chi instruction provided by experts, Tai Chi for Health

Yang Jwing-ming, Ph.D, YMAA.com tai chi, qigong, (energy work) online instruction also books, novels, and more

** The Sound of Music:  "Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever should, but somewhere in my Youth or Childhood, I must have done something good"

*** "Turn Around and Say Good Morning to the Night...They know not if it's dark outside or light..."  Elton John (music) and Bernie Taupin (lyrics) song: Mona Lisa's and Mad Hatters

+ Woodsongs, Michael Johnathon, director, producer, musician, painter, and author.  PBS.org, RFDTV, Facebook. The "Old Time Radio Hour" airs around the world.  This episode first aired May 2020: Bill and the Belles Valerie Smith and Liberty Pike. and The Woodsongs' Kid.  Woodsongs.com:  archives, teaching tools and more. Musicians in a changing world. Michael's Art Work: http://www.michaeljohnathon.com/art

Roger McGuinn founding member of The Byrds:  Folk Den. archival history of individual folk songs,  Woodsongs episode first aired Nov. 2017. Roger performs and comments. 

Rusted Root: Back to the Earth from the album When I Woke (1994), song of the day/night

Dvorak's New World Symphony No 9 in E Minor conducted by George Szell and the Cleveland Orchestra:  "Largo" is playing tonight, peaceful yet edgy.  

Dahlis Roy:  Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Practitioner

by Dahlis 
Blue Light Reflections, photo
Anna Kate, oil painting
Artist at Work, the painting Cheetah
Bricks and Mortar, photo of sandstone bricks
"Little Jars all in a Row" photo, color and light

Photo by Rob
Lakeview Moonset. reflections~