Wednesday, January 19, 2022



Blue Shadows Morning

Blue Shadows Evening

A Balance of Light and Dark, ever shifting.  A friend told me this painting could be turned upside down for a similar yet different effect!  Imagine!

Yin and Yang in perfect balance.

In 2002 I met Paul Lam M.D. at his Tai Chi for Arthritis seminar.  I was looking to certify as an instructor of TCA.  Would I be able to pass the exams?  As usual, I stayed in the back row and remained silent, observing.  

While we were walking into the practice room, Dr. Lam caught up with me.  

He asked, "How did you find my seminar?"  

I answered, "My husband was reading Tai Chi Magazine and found the advertisement.  I called and was accepted.

Dr. Lam smiled, "All is possible with the mind."

After two active days of Tai Chi exercise, practice teaching, and exploration plus a written exam.  I passed and received the certificate.  I met many new friends in the group.  So Fun! 

I was happy to add Tai Chi for Arthritis into my classes.

Beginners especially enjoyed the TCA routine, suitable for all ages.  They could, if desired, progress into Yang Long Form and 18 Form Tai Chi Qigong to broaden their horizons.  

I saw Dr. Lam again in 2011 for the seminar on Falls Prevention, so needed.  Met even more friends, a great reunion and discovery.

You can see Dr. Lam here in 2022, so strong and perfectly aligned.  He radiates strength and joy.

* Paul Lam's message:  "Positive Energy for all our readers and the world for the year 2022 with more harmony and happiness."

A note from my teacher, Jiong Gu, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Tai Chi:
"A little OK, a lot not OK."

"All in balance in Tai Chi and in Life"

One of my students commented, "Tai Chi is a plan without boundaries, a blueprint for unlimited possibilities," Louise Watson, R.N. 

Gratitude for Tai Chi
On Aug 7,1997, I went to my first Tai Chi Cass, an M.D. recommended Tai Chi.  Rob was already in class and became my first teacher.  Rob worked with me for 8 months at home until I was strong enough to attend class.  That day my life forever changed.  In Oct 1998, Dr. Gu appointed me to teacher.  Me? A Tai Chi Teacher? Not even a goal I had ever imagined.  

Dr. Gu said, "I want you to meet experts." And so it was.

From then on and for many years following, every close friend I ever had came into my life through Tai Chi class!

Expansive, Positive, Creative, Outreaching and Ongrowing

"Like the petals of a rose opening, one at a time and each in perfect order," Louise Watson, R.N.

Better and Better in 2022!

Blogger Search Key Words:  Tai Chi, Qigong, Eight Pieces of Brocade, Meditation, Chinese Health Music, World Tai Chi Day Celebrations, Dr. Paul Lam

* TCHI (worldwide) Free Newsletter Online classes include Tai Chi for Arthritis (TCA) Falls Prevention, Tai Chi for Diabetes and more, Tai Chi Music for practice and relaxation.  Dr. Paul Lam's autobiography: Born Strong  

Check with your physician or qualified health care provider to make sure that Tai Chi is right for you.

Dahlis Roy: Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Practitioner

 Blue Shadows, oil painting by Dahlis

Dr. Paul Lam, photo in Jan. 2022 TCHI Newsletter, printed with permission