Sunday, December 6, 2020


* Back Through the Years I Go Wandering Again," Coat of Many Colors, song by Dolly Parton.

"Back through the endless picture files I GROW, wandering again...."  It's fun to wander around in pictures, through the years and eons of time and timeless....

** EXO~ When I came across the above photo, I thought of XO (blog post Sept. 2020)!  My imaginary EXO planet....emitting rays of lights and mist, in the blue-green frequency....or sometimes in the electric blue-violet spectrum...ever changing, having no fixed 'home" or location in the cosmos, a wandering photonic light and color experience.

XO story was fun to write....several friends wrote to tell me they had "invented" their own EXO Planet/Moon/ Star System. YEA!  Use the powers of imagination.  One person told me that her XO friend would be filled with plants, trees, vines, and lushness of all kinds, a "pathless woods" fun to explore and be called "Serenity,"  a haven to peace for the mind and spirit.

Someone else said that "I choose the moon!"  


"Because it is quiet and I can be alone there."

I glanced up at the silver full moon a few days later and chuckled, it looks like the charcoal grey smudge of a profile of a horse's face, nose and forehead pointing to your right as you view. The mane flowing out to the left.  You can tell~ horses are on my mind a lot~

*** One morning I tried some French music by Edith Piaf, La Vie En Rose, just to give a bit of energy.  Surprise, I found myself humming along!  My work went smoother and easier.  Music has a lovely power all its own.  Every tune different...every interpretation expansive. 

**** "Nature Brings to Every Time and Season, a Beauty of Its Own,"  William Wordsworth, Poet

I saw Orion rise the other evening, winter is on the horizon. 

It is good to see the stars again, clear and bright. Old Friends~

Blogger Search key words: astronomy, constellations, creativity, imagination, music

Related Posts:

** XO! Create your own imaginary EXO Planet. (Sept 2020) 

All Alone in the Universe

Sirius Blue



* Dolly Parton, singer, songwriter, actress, storyteller.  Quote from song, Coat of Many Colors  

***  La Vie En Rose, song in French by Edith Piaf

Night Song as I write: Peter Paul and Mary, 500 Miles, The Best of Peter, Paul, and Mary


William Wordsworth, English Romantic Poet, "I gaze upon my inward eye, which is the bliss of solitude."

Dahlis Roy, Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Practitioner

Images by Dahlis

Exo Light, photo

Crystal Dish with Speckled Shell, photo

Sketch of Orion, red pen