Thursday, January 25, 2018


*Moon Dancers, oil painting by Zoe

**Lunar Eclipse, a poem by Isabel Jackson

The dark of the moon is grey,
just visible under the half halo;
all the moon's light drains
into this melon rind of glowing white,
growing smaller as blurred blue spreads.

It rises higher over the trees,
moves at the rate the shadow moves;
pale orange, burnt orange, shifting to red
gathering all the sunsets and sunrises
from all around the world into itself.

The rim of light disappears
and the moon is my eyeball on an x-ray;
moon's eye pulsing with blood;
stars prickle the sky.

A long slow sunset

*** Zoe Meditating, acrylic painting by Ivy

**** "....and the moon like a white rose shone,"  W.B. Yates

Blue Moonset

Blogger Search Key Words: Moon, Sunrise, Sunset, Meditation

Related Post:

Lunar Event, Jan 31, 2018:  Super Moon, Blue Moon, and Lunar Eclipse

** Lunar Eclipse, a poem by Isabel Jackson, from Observations and Affirmations, Little Book of Poems by Isabel Brady Jackson, 2017.  Poem published with permission

**** W.B. Yates, Poetry for Young People

Music: February Stars by the Foo Fighters

Meditation: Deepak Chopra and Rudi Tanzi, new book Healing the Self

Dahlis Roy: Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Instructor

* Moon Dancers, oil painting by Zoe, photo by Zoe, published with permission

*** Zoe Meditating, acrylic painting by Ivy, photo by Dahlis, published with Ivy's permission

Blue Moonset, photo by Rob, published with permission