Sunday, April 27, 2014
As the green carpet comes slowly back sprouting "baby grass green" color, I notice the rustle of wind through bare branches.
I had a Time Out short visit with a friend, much needed. In our breathing space, our short vacation, we chatted, smiled, and ate home baked cookies and chocolate. Dolores handed me a card filled with sun and flowers:
"It's not so much where you're going~
but who walks with you on the journey...."
Then we sampled the wrapped chocolates, each with a message. My favorite was the dark chocolate with almonds.
As we unwrapped the goodies, and read the notes, we were amazed and delighted at the results.
"Stretch your Body~
Stretch your Mind."
"Take a Deep Breath."
"Follow Your Instincts."
Big YES~
And~(drum roll)
"The more you praise and celebrate your life,
The more there is in life to celebrate."
Related Posts:
For the Love of Chocolate (Jan 2012)
Dove Chocolates, various flavors
My Favorite: Baker's Unsweetened Dark Chocolate, slightly melted. Make time for chocolate every day.
Breathing Space:
Tai Chi for Health: Paul Lam, M.D
Meditation and Yoga Deepak Chopra, M.D., The Chopra Center
Dahlis Roy: Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Instructor
Pink Flower by Emilie
Incoming Green, photo by Dahlis. Years ago I had a glitter covered Yin-Yang symbol sticker packet. I liked the blue and green ones best, "All in Balance~All in Harmony"