Friday, January 31, 2014


Last year I wrote Message in a Bottle post about saving one positive daily message:  thought, song title/lyrics, quotes, bookmarks etc. I saved them in my grandfather's large blue mason jar.

My Jar Runneth Over!

Then more blue jars, smaller ones, appeared.  They were issued celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Perfect Ball Mason Blue Jars!  Yes~I love colored glass, especially blue.  I love using the blue jars for many items at home.  Picking up a blue jar in my hands helps me feel history.

This year, I am choosing a "gratitude jar" to note goals, intentions, dreams, and more.  I will add these as prompted throughout the year.

What will I write today?
I reached into the full blue jar and chose the following message from 2103.

"Be Happy"

What is Happiness?

* Recently Deepak Chopra mentioned, "Happiness in internal, rather than external.  'If I get a new car or a big house, then I will be happy,' is an example of external happiness.  This is fleeting.  Soon you will want 'more and more' and still feel empty and searching. True happiness comes from within.  The joy of waking up to see a golden morning or touching a flower can set you on a path for a happier day."

** Beginning Each Day with some quick centering five minute exercises helps you to say 'yes.'  Tai Chi and Yoga are internal integrated exercises, balancing mind-body-spirit while experiencing strength building routines.  Seated meditation in quiet settings brings a refreshing break for a few minutes at a time, several times a day.

Take a Happiness Walk outdoors, in your home, or around your office.  Express gratitude for positive events, thoughts, emotions, tasting food, hearing music and laughter in your imagination.  Jot down these positive feelings in a happiness/gratitude journal or write online.  

*** Walking Meditation 101 go outdoors if possible and concentrate on your feet touching the Earth, one step at a time.  If your mind wanders, simply bring your attention back to your feet.      

**** Negative thoughts creep in?  Take a timer and set it for 3-5 minutes.  Take a pen to paper (yes paper), and write as fast as you can about any irritations in your life.  Then, daily, tear in little shreds and discard.  You are expressing yourself to yourself and no one but You will see them....Gradually, negative energy will becomes neutralized, and more positive light will start to flow.  Empty your cup then fill it with fresh energy!
"Happy YOU Year!"

Begin Again

Awaken Happiness! 

Feedback via LinkedIn
Christine Paul, MS., CRC, Yoga Instructor, Twin Cities, MN USA, "I love this!  "....with my clients I talk about gratitude journals, vision boards, even powerpoints with their favorite quotes and relaxing/inspiring photos/images but this adds and additional component."  Christine brings hope and healing to those dealing with trauma, loss, and disability.

Elaine Collier, co-owner of the Como Center for Enlightenment, Wantage, Oxfordshire, UK, "What really resonated with me was writing everything down that irritated you on a piece of paper and then tearing it up-so simple but so powerful."  Elaine and others bring Reiki therapy for people and pets, meditation and much more.

Related Posts:
Message in a Bottle (Jan 2013)
Since Yesterday (July 2013)

Ball Perfect Mason Jars:  The original blue jars were made from 1913-1915.  Ball  commemorated the blue jars with a 100 Years of American Heritage Vintage Jars available in 2013.

*Deepak Chopra, M.D., author, spiritual teacher, online meditation, yoga, and more.

** Wake Up with Tai Chi and/or Yoga.  Build strength and open your heart-mind to greet the day in just minutes. Tai Chi and Qigong shown on  Dr. Oz, Crane and Bear from Five Animal Frolics, tapping for health and more. "Happy YOU Year!"  I have added some of these in the early AM with great results!  Later in the day, I can practice Tai Chi longer routines. 

** Dr. Paul Lam, Medical Doctor and Tai Chi expert, Tai Chi for Health, free lesson You Tube, awaken your self and invite healing adventures.  Dr. Lam helps people worldwide with Tai Chi for specific conditions such as Tai Chi for Arthritis and many more programs.  Begin 
 today!  Change your Life.

*** Walking Meditation, The "M" word is recommended for ADD/ADHD people.  This basic walking is calming and centering.  ADD and Managing It documentary and more to help adult ADD/ADHD.    Brian Green and Patrick McKenna help blend humor, coping skills and medical research. 

**** Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way and other books to awaken your creative heart.  "Morning Pages" help you express and release your true feelings for you by you.  Release then unlock your creative life

Music to inspire:  Taylor Swift, Begin Again, Since Yesterday and more, Red Album.

Dahlis Roy:  Visionary Artist, Author, and Tai Chi Instructor

Large and Small and Memory Jar by Dahlis Roy