Wednesday, March 30, 2011


*The Crane
flies alone yet not alone.  Notice the shadows of cranes accompanying him.  The crane is centered and focused, like Tai Chi practice.  The crane is a Tai Chi MasterHe can be still, even for hours, then strike with great power! 

Patience brought energy.  Brushing in the colorful cloud background gave no hint to cranes appearing spontaneously several years later.  Intuitive painting opens many surprise packages.  My art work took on new dimensions of color and light after practicing and then teaching Tai Chi.  

**Goal teasers-tips to achieve your goal by Dr. Paul Lam

Spend more time planning
You might have noticed people who are very busy get things done.  Perhaps you're like that.  But have you ever noticed that at the end of the day, somebody else with abilities similar to yours achieves a lot more without being as busy?  Chances are this person spends more time planning.

You need to identify what contributes more significantly toward your goal and what contributes less.  You need to be clear of your goal, then spend time planning how to work effectively toward it.  If you have to spend 80% of your time working with tasks that only contribute 20% toward your goal then you need to re-examine how to spend your time more effectively.  Plan to spend more time on the 80% and you will achieve a lot more.

Dr. Paul Lam is a family practice physician in Sydney, Australia.  He travels the world to promote Tai Chi for Health.  DVD's such as Tai Chi for Arthritis and many more, workshops, instructor training, forum, music Cd's newsletter

*The Crane: Poem by Dahlis Roy

*Excerpts from Universe:  Shadows of Cranes by Dahlis Roy from Dr. Paul Lam's online newsletter, Dec 2004, published with permission

**Goal teasers-tips to achieve your goal by Dr. Paul Lam reprinted from Dr. Lam's online newsletter, July, 2002  Articles reprinted with permission.

Universe Shadows of Cranes, oil painting by Dahlis Roy