Saturday, February 19, 2011


*"Breathe, Relax, and Think Blue"

Sean, an artist and Tai Chi instructor, discussed thinking in color to an informal group.  "That's odd," I thought.  Well, actually, for an artist to feel that way, it's not strange at all.  Artists' minds tend to run like videotape, or a moving slide show, or still frames.  

Dream it Forward
Dreams glow vividly with rainbow prisms.  Dreams spark inspirations for us all, suggesting prophetic experiences, guidance, directions, or change.

Soul reflection: thinking in color can be a new experience.  I thought about color and the way each hue vibrates at individual frequencies.  Think of your favorite color or colors.  What effects do colors have in your life, your soul?  Can you send a color to another person? 

Deep breathing coupled with relaxation, and mindful movement are all principles of Tai Chi and Qigong.  Since practicing and then teaching these arts, I have said many times to myself and others:  "Breathe, Relax, and Think Blue," a color of peace and healing.  Blue can also express truth and communication as well as intuition and protection, a feeling of safety.

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Paul Lam, M.D. family practice physician and Tai Chi Master.  Get started with Tai Chi.  Articles, DVD's, seminars and more, Tai Chi for Health.

Quiet Reflection, photo by Emilie, published with permission